Welcome to the new being and creation blog on Intentional Reality Creation (IRC)

This is the post excerpt.



In response to recent expressions of interest, I have decided to launch this blog on Intentional Reality Creation (IRC).  Intentional Reality Creation is the name I have given to a personal practice I have used in most of my life to bring into being situations I intend to exist.  This works basically through the power of focused intention – and without necessarily having to do anything or ask anybody else to do anything to bring those situations into existence.

Sounds mystical?  It’s not.  Wishful thinking?  It’s a lot more than that.  Not explainable by science?  No; its highly explainable with a sophisticated scientific framework underpinning it.  Not practical?  Actually it has worked extremely well in my life.  A religious idea?  Not for me though perhaps so for some.  A highly spiritual practice?  For some, not for me.  Very difficult to do?  No. Actually very easy.  Requires a lot of training?  Nope, hardly any at all.  Cleary a lot of explaining is needed to make this all plausible in the face of seemingly well-deserved skepticism.

And a lot of explaining I have done.  I first wrote a treatise on this subject On Being and Creation back in 1990.  I published this document online back in 2008 and have updated and expanded it several times since, the latest version published in April 2017.  That treatise is now book-length and I invite curious users to read it.   I have also offered webcasts on the subject and have written companion articles that further explain and explore the topic.  An initial two of these articles follow as the first entries in this blog. The first of these What’s Already Done Ins’t Necessarily Done Yet provides an easier faster introduction to IRC and my involvement in the topic than going through the treatise.  It also tells a few of my personal reality-creating stories.   The second of these articles Shit Doesn’t Just Happen explores fascinating aspects of IRC beyond those treated in the treatise.

Happy reading!  And I invite readers to chime in with their own commentaries.

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